Industrial Machinery, Automation & Software Development

As a family business with more than 39 years of experience in engineering, oil & gas industry, automation, procurement, construction, and software development, Luka Industries, LLC and its corporate structure composed by Monelco SRL, Cenit LTDA and Canadian Energy Enterprise SRL, are interested in leveraging their resources in order to offer high quality engineering services and through this, create new business opportunities in Texas.


Currently, Luka Industries LLC, is supporting Monelco SRL and Canadian Energy Enterprise SRL, with the provision of equipment, spare parts and specialized oil and gas tools, for the operation of the gas plant Warnes X1.


Warnes X1, is a natural gas well that is operating since February 1st 2021, but the process of exploration, drilling, well testing, reservoir interpretation, plant construction and current operation of the well, took many years of hard work and proven industry experience.

Past, Present and Future...










Design, instrumentation and Control of Processing Plants

Engineering, procurement and construction

We provide the equipment that you need directly from Texas to South America.

Engineering, procurement and construction

At the same time, we provide remote support for engineering and development of automation software, based on specific plant’s designs and requirements, as well as the design and programing of HMI and user interface development. We have a solid network of instrumentation specialist and engineers based in Bolivia, ready to assist your needs at the best price and in your language.

Warnes X1, Santa Cruz de La Sierra Bolivia