Brewing a Legacy of Culture and Innovation through the first traceability platform for Bolivian Coffee.

By Nunas Coffee

Our coffee project

“By Nunas,” is the result of a journey marked by brotherhood and cultural fusion between the co-founders and local communities. Rooted in the Afro Bolivian and Aymara community’s rich heritage, our initiative combines traditional coffee cultivation methods with modern technology to create a truly unique product.

The backdrop to our story

Danilo’s upbringing in a Croatian family, intertwined with his Afro Bolivian roots, provides a backdrop to our story. The legacy of African ancestors, brought to Bolivia during the Spanish colonial era, is deeply ingrained in the region’s history.

Over generations, these communities have toiled in the agricultural industry, cultivating coffee alongside indigenous groups like the Aymaras and other amazon region inhabitants.

Reviving Coffee Culture & Preserving Heritage

Threats to Cultural Identity and Heritage

This trend endangers their agricultural legacy, encompassing valuable crops such as coffee, cocoa, citrus, mango, and others, which have been cultivated through generations of dignified labor.

Economic Pressures and Coca Cultivation

However, despite their agricultural prowess, many Afro Bolivian farmers have been drawn into coca cultivation due to economic pressures.

A Mission for Coffee Cultivation and Ethical Practices

Recognizing this challenge, we embarked on a mission in 2023 to revitalize the local economy and reclaim land for coffee cultivation. Our aim is to deter the younger generation from engaging in illicit activities while encouraging them to remain connected to their ancestral lands.

Stage 1

Our primary aim is to carefully choose the finest Geisha coffee beans harvested between 2023 and 2024 from local producers and showcase them at an international coffee event in the USA in June 2024. 

Our emphasis will be on creating a strong branding strategy and business model  to ensure the successful sale of our first Bolivian Geisha batch.

Stage 2

We’ll boost production capacity at our own farms and neighboring coffee farms, collaborating with Aymara coffee roasters to craft premium specialty coffee.

Our future vision involves setting up training centres for locals to learn coffee production, roasting, and coding skills to support our coffee traceability infrastructure.

By reinvesting profits into the community, we aim to establish a sustainable business model benefiting local farmers and roasters. Additionally, we are developing a proprietary blockchain-based traceability solution to provide customers with transparency and insight into the origin of their coffee.

Stage 3

Through “By Nunas,” we envision a future where Bolivia’s diverse cultural heritage is not only celebrated but also harnessed as a competitive advantage.

We aim to achieve this by empowering and equipping younger generations with essential technical skills in agriculture, processing, roasting, and innovative blockchain traceability solutions.

By embracing emerging technologies and producing value-added products entirely in Bolivia, we aspire to pave the way for a brighter future for Bolivian coffee on the global stage.

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Origen App

Rooted in Africa, Afro-Bolivians’ heritage finds its origins in Ethiopia, where the Arabica specialty coffee strains cultivated in Bolivia were initially sourced. The Origen App represents a pioneering Bolivian traceability solution, designed to enhance the value of coffee crops, ensuring fair prices and dignified job opportunities for local producers.

Pre-orders 2024

Our initial production of high-quality Geisha Specialty coffee will consist of 2,000 bottles, each containing 25 grams (14.1 oz). These will be presented in an elegant handcrafted glass and leather packaging, skillfully crafted by local artisans from the community.